Video Length
Quiz Questions
Estimated Time to Complete
6 minutes
Lesson Description
In the lesson on Ethics, we discussed the principles you can use to evaluate the ethical quality of the choices you make. It should go without saying that the most ethical course of action is the one you should take at your dealership. In the long run, the Golden Rule is the best guide for your dealings with customers, coworkers, and management. This module will address best practices that some dealerships have adopted a policy known as “Non-Negotiables.” In those dealerships, “non-negotiable” means just that: these are ethical standards that, if violated, will result in discipline or termination.
What is a Non-Negotiable?
Non-Negotiables for F&I Managers
Deployable online with Mosaic's LMS
Track and retain employee completions
SCORM Compliant version available
Text summary
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