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Dealership IT Personnel

The IT Staff learning path is designed for employees who are responsible for overseeing or maintaining the dealership's computer network. The lessons included in this path will introduce IT Staff to the legal compliance issues in the dealership environment. IT Staff can play an important role in protecting consumer data the dealership collects. It is important for these employees to be aware of their responsibilities.

Video Content: 

1.5 Hours

Lesson Topics:


Quiz Questions:


Estimated Time to Complete:

2 Hours

Included Lessons

FTC Safeguards Rule: Basics

FTC Safeguards Rule: Basics

Non-Public Information | Recognizing NPI | Employee Responsibility | Computer Network | Internet Safety

FTC Red Flags Rule: Basics

FTC Red Flags Rule: Basics

What is a Red Flag? | What Actions Does the Rule Require? | Identity Theft Prevention Program

FTC Safeguards Rule: Advanced

FTC Safeguards Rule: Advanced

Security Risk Assessment | Risk Assessment Worksheet | Internet Sales | Phone Sales | Storing NPI | Network Vulnerability Assessments | NVA Vendors | Employee Education | Physical Safeguards | Technical Safeguards | Administrative Safeguards | Overseeing Service Providers | Identifying Service Providers | Ensuring Service Providers Comply | Testing for Effectiveness | Reviewing Your Program | NVAs | Audits | Reacting to Data Breaches | Employees and Customers After a Data Breach | Learning from a Data Breach

FTC Disposal Rule

FTC Disposal Rule

Requirements of the Disposal Rule | Shredding | Third Party Contractors | What Information Should Be Destroyed? | Cloud Storage | Potential Penalties

FTC Privacy Rule

FTC Privacy Rule

Requirements of the FTC Privacy Rule | Privacy Notices | Sample Privacy Notice | Consumer and Customer | Best Practices



The Golden Rule | Your Character | What’s Our Purpose

Employee Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Prevention

Employee Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Prevention

Introduction | Legal Overview | What is Sexual Harassment? | Examples of Conduct | Employee Complaint Process | Protected Classes | Discrimination in the Workplace

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